IoTaaS 2017 Best Paper Award
"A Fuel-Efficient Route Plan App Based on Game Theory" (co-authored by Lo, Chen, Hu, Lo and Cho) obtains the Best Paper Award from IoTaaS 2017 – 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service. I would like to thank my co-authors for their cooperation and efforts.
合著論文 "A Fuel-Efficient Route Plan App Based on Game Theory" 得到物聯網服務國際會議 IoTaaS 2017 – 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service 的 Best Paper Award (最佳論文獎)。感謝交大校友、清大工工管系兼任助理教授陳志華博士的邀請,讓我有機會參與這篇論文的討論與修改。